Dawg Days: Spring Start Student Program

The Dawg Days: Spring Start Student Program is a series of events to assist spring semester, first-year students acclimate to the University of Georgia.

Meet the Student Coordinators

Student Coordinators Group

Bryson Clark

Hey everybody!

My name is Bryson Clark and I’m a rising second year spring start student majoring in Psychology with a neuroscience emphasis. I’m super excited to meet you all, and show you guys what a great place UGA truly is. One of my favorite memories that I’ve made so far has to be visiting the numerous hidden collections across campus and seeing things from dinosaur bones to the original charter of UGA.

I can’t wait until you all are on campus and hope to see you around! My email is Bzc61623@uga.edu, and I’m happy to be a resource if you need anything. See ya!

Ava Gruszczinski


My name is Ava Gruszczinski, and I’m going into my sophomore year majoring in English (as a spring-start student)! I’m from Clarkesville, GA—a pretty rural area with lots of nature. I’m sure lots of nerves might be bubbling up right now, but being a dawg is absolutely amazing! One place on campus I love is the Park Hall library because it’s full of books and the most comfy vibes! There are so many beautiful places around campus, so don’t let the size of UGA overwhelm you. As for my involvement, I love going to Crossword Club at Myers, am a member of the Undergraduate English Association, and I am a new member of the Chapel Bell positive press team!

I’m always a resource to come to for any questions or concerns, or just general advice! You can contact me by my school email, alg65049@uga.edu. GOOOO DAWGS!!! WOOF WOOF WOOF!

Sydney Healan

Hey y’all!

My name is Sydney Healan and I’m a rising sophomore spring start student from Athens, GA! I’m majoring in fashion merchandising and plan on going to law school here at UGA as well. I can’t wait to meet all of you and hope that you’re getting excited about being dawgs! My favorite place on campus is definitely north campus. I love to take walks or just sit and study, especially when the weather is nice!

If you ever have any questions feel free to reach out to me at sydney.healan@uga.edu! I look forward to meeting all of you soon!

Sam Ruona

Hey everyone!

I am Sam Ruona, a rising third-year majoring in Political Science from Lawrenceville, Georgia. I currently serve as an Orientation Leader and Resident Assistant on campus. I am so excited to meet you all and show you what it means to call UGA home. UGA has a ton of fantastic traditions, but if I had to pick one, nothing beats seeing the fireworks when being admitted and then again when graduating.

If you have absolutely any questions or concerns about your journey at UGA, please do not hesitate to reach out! You can reach me at Samuel.Ruona@uga.edu. Go Dawgs!